A page dedicated to the Shaun/Lea Pairing of ABC’s "The Good Doctor"

Month: November 2021

Season 5 Recap: 5×05 Crazytown

Okay, so. Yes. I rewrote some of this recap. My first version of it was what Kelli called “TeeJay’s hilarious shred of Crazytown”. And I guess it was exactly that. I have left it up on the blog, in case you wanna delve into how much I hated the episode on the first viewing.

I have since had many discussions with fans via various channels, and my stance as softened somewhat because I see the merit of the overall direction and character arcs. I still don’t particularly like the episode, and I still feel it had many shortcomings and weaknesses, but I love this show too much not to at least try and pay homage to the episode’s positive aspects, so here’s a less acerbic and snarky version sans meme overload.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×05 Crazytown (Hilarious Shred Version)


This is what I call the “Hilarious Shred Version” of my recap of Crazytown. I positively hated the episode the first time I watched it, and that very much reflects in this first version of the recap I wrote. I still don’t particularly like the episode now. But I got my act together and wrote a second, less acerbic (and also less hilarious) version of the recap that hopefully does the episode more justice. I will leave this version up for posterity, but it will not appear in the Episode Insights category. That said… enjoy the meme fest!

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