A page dedicated to the Shaun/Lea Pairing of ABC’s "The Good Doctor"

Month: May 2022

Season 5 Recap: 5×18 Sons

As apprehensive as I was about the finale, I am super glad that all my fears were swept aside with these 42 minutes of pure joy and love and heart-warming goodness. What a relief, and—the cliffhanger not withstanding—such a sweet and rewarding ending to a rather turbulent season.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×17 The Lea Show

Hmpf. I’m kinda bummed, because while somewhat enjoyable and entertaining to watch, this episode was just so… uninspired. I was hoping it would make up for what The Shaun Show lacked, and instead it was just more lacking, plus tropes galore, a not very cleverly recycled patient story, and predictable mediocrity. Did I mention tropes?

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Season 5 Recap: 5×16 The Shaun Show

Okay, mixed feelings about this one. I thought it had potential to be major cringe, and thankfully it wasn’t that. On the first viewing, it gave me all the happy feels, but the more I think about it and discuss it with others, the more I feel they could have done so much better with this one. Let’s take a look at the details.

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