A page dedicated to the Shaun/Lea Pairing of ABC’s "The Good Doctor"

Tag: 6×03

Season 6 Commentary: A Very Nuanced Storyline

written by Daniela V.

Let me start by saying that it’s been a very long time that The Good Doctor has been offering us a storyline as nuanced, compelling and captivating as this one we’re currently seeing unfold in season 6.

I really think that the writers’ room is taking it to a whole new level this year, and I’m very grateful for that, because they’re making me feel an unprecedented level of anticipation about upcoming episodes. Which makes it even more bewildering that the general mood of the fandom is so out of whack.

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Season 6 Recap: 6×03 A Big Sign

This episode made me as conflicted as I think the viewers were supposed to feel about the whole situation with Shaun and Lim. Because when I watched it, I was still so mad about the mess of last week’s episode. I think I really would have enjoyed it more if last week hadn’t left me so aggravated. But overall, I’ll give this one a tentative thumbs up.

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