A page dedicated to the Shaun/Lea Pairing of ABC’s "The Good Doctor"

Tag: recap (Page 1 of 6)

Season 7 Commentary: 7×06 M.C.E.

I’m glad that I liked this episode considerably better than the last few, although I wouldn’t give it more than a solid 6/10. Okay, maybe a 6.5/10 if you twisted my arm to set aside my misgivings about season 7 as a whole. Despite some good emotional intensity, not an episode that will go into my all-time favourite top 10.

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Season 7 Commentary: 7×02 Skin In The Game

I’m not quite sure why Freddie Highmore said that season 7 was going to be “big”, because the first 20% of it that we’ve already seen hasn’t felt very big to me. This one was more on the mediocre side, although I will say that upon closer inspection, it had interesting nuances that you only see when you peel back the layers. All in all, a solid episode with some things I liked and some things I didn’t like quite as much.

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Everyone Operates Differently

A Critical Review of The Good Doctor Season 6

Having closed the book on an extra long season 6, let’s shine a light on what happened across the whole of the season and see what was notable and what might be worth highlighting in retrospect.

Just to set expectations, I will focus mostly on what’s happening around Shaun as the main protagonist, so other pairings or side characters may not get a lot of coverage. 

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Season 6 Recap: 6×21 A Beautiful Day

This day we watched unfold was of course less than beautiful, which was to be expected, and it certainly didn’t end on any kind of beautiful note or notion. The episode left me absolutely deflated, and I think I would have struggled with this recap even if I’d had the time to write it up before the season finale.

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Season 6 Recap: 6×20 Blessed

Well, we were finally “blessed” with a resolution to the Glassman brain conundrum, not that I particularly love the outcome. But I like it more than what had been speculated before, so I’ll take this as a small win. Some good stuff in this episode overall. Oh, also: We’re getting a season 7!! Yay!!!! 🎉🥳🍾

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