A page dedicated to the Shaun/Lea Pairing of ABC’s "The Good Doctor"

Tag: review (Page 3 of 6)

Season 6 Recap: 6×04 Shrapnel

I have mixed feelings about this one, although overall I came away with a positive impression after the first viewing. Lots of stuff was covered, new things were learned, and it seems the direction of some important aspects just got a serious course adjustment. There’s certainly many things to ponder, so let’s get to it.

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Season 6 Recap: 6×03 A Big Sign

This episode made me as conflicted as I think the viewers were supposed to feel about the whole situation with Shaun and Lim. Because when I watched it, I was still so mad about the mess of last week’s episode. I think I really would have enjoyed it more if last week hadn’t left me so aggravated. But overall, I’ll give this one a tentative thumbs up.

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Season 5 in Review

With the The Good Doctor’s 5th season now having come to a close, it’s time to look back at the season as a whole and see what was memorable, and maybe also what was not so memorable. I (TJ) will be doing this together with my fellow partners in crime Daniela (Da) and NiceNiceDevice (N3), so let’s get to it and dive in!

Quick word of warning to set expectations, we will focus mostly on what’s happening around Shaun as our main protagonist, with little mention of other pairings or side characters.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×18 Sons

As apprehensive as I was about the finale, I am super glad that all my fears were swept aside with these 42 minutes of pure joy and love and heart-warming goodness. What a relief, and—the cliffhanger not withstanding—such a sweet and rewarding ending to a rather turbulent season.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×17 The Lea Show

Hmpf. I’m kinda bummed, because while somewhat enjoyable and entertaining to watch, this episode was just so… uninspired. I was hoping it would make up for what The Shaun Show lacked, and instead it was just more lacking, plus tropes galore, a not very cleverly recycled patient story, and predictable mediocrity. Did I mention tropes?

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Season 5 Recap: 5×16 The Shaun Show

Okay, mixed feelings about this one. I thought it had potential to be major cringe, and thankfully it wasn’t that. On the first viewing, it gave me all the happy feels, but the more I think about it and discuss it with others, the more I feel they could have done so much better with this one. Let’s take a look at the details.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×15 My Way

I will say that I didn’t like this episode much after the first viewing because it felt like the direction of where this was headed could be major cringe. However, I may have changed my mind in the meantime, because it could open up new and interesting avenues to explore. So I’m trying to keep an open mind and hope that the writers don’t disappoint.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×14 Potluck

Oh man. They’re really pulling the comedy out of the bag mid-season, aren’t they? I honestly don’t really know how to feel about this one. Gave me a few good chuckles, but I’m not one for the in-your-face slapsticky comedy, so I thought Potluck was a bit too over the top and silly. But it also had great and thoughtful moments. Maybe it’ll win me over on a rewatch.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×13 Growing Pains

I’d say more of a run-of-the-mill episode, this one. I’m tempted to say patient-of-the-week, even. Which isn’t necessarily bad, this episode went back to the show’s original roots—two patient cases interspersed with a bit of personal growth for the main characters, but nothing that really stood out in either a negative or positive way for me.

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