A page dedicated to the Shaun/Lea Pairing of ABC’s "The Good Doctor"

Category: Episode Insights (Page 5 of 7)

Season 5 Recap: 5×05 Crazytown

Okay, so. Yes. I rewrote some of this recap. My first version of it was what Kelli called “TeeJay’s hilarious shred of Crazytown”. And I guess it was exactly that. I have left it up on the blog, in case you wanna delve into how much I hated the episode on the first viewing.

I have since had many discussions with fans via various channels, and my stance as softened somewhat because I see the merit of the overall direction and character arcs. I still don’t particularly like the episode, and I still feel it had many shortcomings and weaknesses, but I love this show too much not to at least try and pay homage to the episode’s positive aspects, so here’s a less acerbic and snarky version sans meme overload.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×04 Rationality

Some episodes, I watch and feel energized about and immediately wanna run off and discuss ALL THE THINGS™ with other people. This one, not so much. This was one of those that I had to let sit for a bit and ruminate, and sort out my thoughts.

For some reason, it left a sour aftertaste in my mouth, and I can’t even really put my finger on it why. I don’t mean this in a “I really hated it” way. Because that’s not the case at all. I think it may have to do with the fact that I’m a hurt/comfort girl, and this episode was somehow all hurt and no comfort. That felt wholly unsatisfying.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×03 Measure of Intelligence

It’s a rare luxury when I have a Tuesday off work and can actually watch The Good Doctor leisurely over breakfast — more so after just coming back from a mini vacation that was a much needed change of pace and scenery.

I still kinda wanna throw things at the television for being cheated out of the Good Stuff™, but not with as much force as last week. I wanted my money back then, and I still do now, but we got some other Good Stuff™ instead this week, so maybe I’ll settle for a discount code.

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Season 5 Recap: 5×01 New Beginnings

New season, who dis? There I was, on my couch, all cosily wrapped in my warm blanket on a Tuesday night (courtesy of the European time zone predicament), and hoo boy. Way to start the season with a bang.

Kinda wish I’d been in a better frame of mind that night (cannot recommend having a 2 TB hard drive chock-full with data self-destruct on you with the last backups being three years old), but what better way to lighten the mood than your favourite show giving you all the things you didn’t know you wanted. I was definitely game, and the show did not disappoint!

Let’s dive in, shall we?

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Season 5 Wishlist

It’s finally here: Season 5 premiere on ABC tonight!

We’ve all been speculating about what’s going to happen this season, or what we’d like to see happen, and we’ve gotten hints and tidbits here and there, but of course we don’t know what the showrunner, producers and writers really have in store for us. We certainly have ideas too, so below is what me and some other The Good Doctor fans I have talked to in recent weeks have on our wishlist for the upcoming season.

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